Returns Policy
We hope that you're happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are unsatisfied and would like to return it, we will gladly accept your item(s) for a refund provided a return request is submitted via our return portal and in the mail within 3 business days of it being delivered to you. After 3 days, any return requests through our return portal will receive a store credit up until 14 days of delivery date. If you are returning your items to our Cedarhurst location without using the returns portal, it must be returned within 3 days of delivery for a refund.
All items bought on sale are not returnable and are final sale.
To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be folded in its original packaging, unworn, and with the original tags still intact. Return authorization is required.
All returns must be processed via our automated returns portal ( where you will receive a prepaid shipping label.
The label cost will be free if you choose to receive a store credit for your purchase. If you choose the refund option, the cost of the return label will be deducted from the amount refunded to your original form of payment. The cost of the shipping label will be determined by the weight of your return.
Due to the rising costs in shipping and credit card processing fees, any returns of more than $1000 will be assessed an additional charge of $39.95 to cover these expenses. A restocking fee of 5% will be applied to all orders over $500 that are dropped off at our Cedarhurst location.